the need
To introduce urban students to a positive and caring adult who can ensure they don’t have to navigate life’s toughest challenges alone.

Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone. That’s one student every 26 seconds – or 7,000 a day.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the unemployment rate of high school dropouts is 47% higher than graduates.
The Bureau of Labor and Statistics stated getting students to complete high school raises the average weekly incomes by $9,400 a year.
The government spends between $1.7 & $2.3 million per dropout who turns to drug or crime over the course of his/her lifetime.
Over the course of their lifetimes, a high school dropout will earn an average of $375,000 less than high school graduates, and roughly $1,000,000 less than college graduates.
Male and female students with low academic achievement are twice as likely to become parents by their senior year of high school, compared to students with high academic achievement.
In the United States, high school dropouts commit about 75% of crimes.
showed you they cared.
“The mission of ELEVATE Tampa Bay, and the sole focus of our staff and team, is to bring hope and opportunity to the urban communities of Tampa Bay through consistent daily teaching and mentoring of Tampa’s inner-city students that are ready, willing, and able to step into a life of opportunity and self-sustainability, utilizing their natural gifts and talents to thrive personally and to help their communities do the same. Thousands of ELEVATE students around the country, trained through the ELEVATE Life Skills and Character curriculum, have experienced this dedicated teaching and mentoring program, and as a result are experiencing more productive and fulfilling lives because of it, and now pouring back into their communities to continue this virtuous cycle. We are sincerely humbled and excited to have the opportunity to bring that same transformational hope, joy, and life-enhancement to the urban community students and their families here in Tampa Bay, one life and one day at a time.”